The WASH interventions : district of Phalombe

Phalombe District is located in the Southern Region of the Republic of Malawi, 80 kilometers south of the commercial city of Blantyre and 400 kilometers (5 to 6 hours) from Lilongwe.

Phalombe District has a population of 355,312. Its density is one among the most important of the country – 230 persons per

It is divided in 7 TAs (Traditionnal Authorities) – Chiwalo, Jenala*, Kaduya, Mkhumba, Nazombe, Nkhulambe, Phalombe Boma -.

*Jenala is the TA where Inter Aide is currently working in WASH.

Jenala is one of the TAs with fewer access to safe water : less functionnal boreholes and shallow wells than in other TAs and less served by the major gravity fed systems that can be found in Phalombe district thanks to the water that can flows from the Mulanje Mountain.

Although the sanitation coverage is not so bad (almost 60% of households equipped with basic latrines), mots of these structures collapse during rainy season because they are of low standards and because of unstable soil (sandy, esp. in Jenala).

This situation leads to increased prevalence of water and sanitation related diseases which contribute to poor health. The mortality rate for under 5 children in Phalombe is the 2nd more important one of the country – 160‰.

TA jenala

Jenala is divided in 8 VDCs (Village Development Committee headed by Group Village Headmen) which corresponds to almost 65 villages and 20 000 families.

GVH Jenal 2016